The Future of Fabric: An Exclusive look at Crypton
Thursday Feb 1 2018

Today we are excited to spotlight the "future of fabric" this distinct material is hands down one of our top designer picks for upholstery fabric! When it comes to purchasing furniture, especially upholstery, we all want to select a high-quality upholstered piece and combine it with a design-savvy durable material that will hold up. Allow us to introduce you to the ulitmate fabric in the design industry, crypton fabric! 

Crypton fabric will give you the longevity you desire and perform beautifully for years to come.

Lee Industries crypton fabric

Essentially, crypton fabric is made by transforming the fibers of the material through a specific immersion process. This specially-engineered fabric system can withstand major everyday wear and tear with ease!


Crypton is an amazing fabric that has a extraordinary moisture barrier making it resistant to stains, spills, mildew and odor yet remains breathable.


The durability of this material is phenomenal, making this the perfect fabric for those "well-loved" upholstered furniture pieces in your home.

custom crypton fabric


Crypton fabric captures all the designer beauty you desire and delivers excellent performance! You do not have to sacrifice designer style for durability. There is a large selection of gorgeous crypton fabrics to suit any style. From bold color and pattern to soft and subdued texture, there are many ideal options when it comes to crypton upholstery.

Let's face it, life and spills are going to happen but crypton fabric allows you to breathe a little easier when it does. The moisture barrier does not allow liquid to penetrate the fabric. Instead, it beads up on top, and all you have to do is blot it dry! Phew!

Allow us to demonstrate how effective this amazing fabric is, watch as it easily repels liquid!



Crypton fabric is a game changer when it comes to partnering design-worthy upholstery textiles with functionality! The design industry is thrilled to showcase the durability of this unique textile, and we are ecstatic to be able to bring the future of fabric to you!

The Black Goose Design carries a wonderful variety of gorgeous crypton fabrics within our upholstery lines. Our talented designers are always happy to create and customize a beautiful design plan exclusively for your home!

Labels: upholstery fabric custom upholstery furniture crypton fabric fabric and textiles