Showing Our Love for Lee Industries
Thursday Feb 15 2018

It is that time of year where love is in the air and our hearts are bursting with adoration for Lee Industries! The Black Goose Design is always delighted to bring to you the "Lee Loves Local Sale"!

Lee Industries

Lee Industries is an ultra-comfortable upholstery company that manufactures supreme, one-of-a-kind products. We are always delighted to have luxurious Lee Industry products grace our showroom floor! During this wonderful sale, Lee is offering additional savings of 30% off list price on any new upholstery order for our local clients!

wood accent chair
This is the perfect opportunity to refresh your space and bring home that perfect sofa, stunning sectional, or cozy chair.
pink throw pillows
Partner with one of our talented designers to customize any high-quality upholstered piece from Lee Industries. With hundreds of extraordinary, beautiful fabrics to select from, our expert designers are sure to help guide you in creating an ideal living space.
designer showroom
Lee Industries and The Black Goose Design have been partners in the design industry for over 30 years. We are thrilled to bring these special savings to our amazing clients.
Lee Industries upholstery
So set your heart-a-flutter, by experiencing the love for Lee Industries and their unique upholstery pieces. Enjoy splendid savings during our Lee Loves Local Sales Event! 
*disclaimer photo ad from Lee Industries

Labels: lee loves local lee industries custom upholstery fabric and textile